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Meet Pocketman

A man challenged to live for 48 hours with only the contents of his 13-pocket jeans and survive with the help of his fans on social media.

Srishti Sanjay Daiv pocketman myntra roa

100% Live.

Srishti Sanjay Daiv pocketman myntra roa

The website had a twitter feed present that updated with live tweets that his fans used to communicate with Pocketman. 

Srishti Sanjay Daiv pocketman myntra roa
Srishti Sanjay Daiv pocketman myntra roa
Srishti Sanjay Daiv pocketman myntra roa

An entire section was dedicated to little snippets of ‘Pocket Hacks’ that showed different ways in which one could survive wearing the jeans.

The website also showcased a smooth 360 degree view of the jeans.

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